tisdag 5 oktober 2010

Surveillance or not?

I've read the text we had in class and I'll try to keep my content to the parts I read. First I've to say that I agree with the boss in the second stretch, "I don't give a rat's rear what they do at home," "But what they do at work is all my business." but it's a bit of lack in that argument, because it does matter what they do on their free time. If there were some people at their free time “misbehaving”, e.g.  viewing of child pornography, it may blacken the company’s name.

If the management using surveillance or tracking the workers through GPS they should inform the staff, especially if they go trough their email. I get the point to not inform the staff too, just to see if the staff doing their job. But to inform the staff, it would probably put pressure or at least make them aware that people are watching them and it would probably lead to that the staff doing its job.

I don’t have a opinion about to have surveillance in the society. It has a lot of good features, but still it has some downsides. What do you think about it?


6 kommentarer:

  1. Hi, Jonas!

    I think that we actually should install more surveillance cameras in the public places for security reason, if you cannot station enough police officers – everywhere.

    Japan, my home country, is known as a safe country with less crime rate despite of the large population. Throughout the country, you see a number of KOBAN or police box, which is a small neighborhood police station there one or two police officers are on duty for 24 hours. At every corner of densely populated area, a convenience store is open for 24 hours, too. Those stores function as small police substations; women and children can run into for help.

    I am one of suburbia of Gothenburg. Where I live is safe and peaceful with few crimes, but at times it is sad and upsetting to see broken glasses at bus stops and preschools in the morning after the weekend. I have wondered if they could install a number of tiny cameras at those places, but they don’t probably have enough resources…

  2. Hi Jonas!

    You made an interesting point of how it in some cases are relevant to employers what their employees do in there spare time. However, in order for employers to be in full control of what their employees are up to, they would have to monitor their every move. This would probably mean that surveillance would be transferred into society, where we would not be able to do anything without being watched. I wonder if a development like this would make us feel more secure or if it would create a fear amongst people. What do you think?

    Furthermore, I definitely agree with you that staff should be informed if they are being monitored. Employees need to be able to trust their employers in the same way that employers needs to be able to trust the employees.
    /Josefine Johansson

  3. I starting to belive that i'm the only that value my integrity higher than my security while i take i walk in the park or watching TV at home. All this surveillance everywhere makes me scared. If there is cameras wherever i go, I never know who is watching or if there is someone watching me. I rather take a walk in the park knowing that the only one that is watching me is them I can see. I think that maybe I'm conservative and naive because i want to belive that humans are good by the nature and that it's the environment that makes peopel mean and dangerous. I'm probably going too learn myself a lesson one day that all humans isn't good humans, and maybe i have to learn it the hard way. I think that even though I'm learning a lesson i will still belive that humans isn't born evil and all things you do you do for a reason. Sometimes life is hard against you and the only thing you can think of to survive is to break the law to make your self a living. Some people is born in to a family that has fallen down in a bad behaviour, or you have to grow up in a society where law and order is gone, and evilness has taken over.
    I think that expanding the surveillance in the society is to attack the problem from a wrong direction. To solve the problem in the society with crimes. It would be better to go to the source of the problem and make a society where crime isn't the best solution when you get in trouble. Another reason to why i don't like the idea of surveillance in the society is that it's making me feel like the whole society is a big playground and there's someone watching over us and if someone is doing something wrong then the authorities is acting like the techers or the parents on a playground that teach grownups in what's right and wrong.
    Maybe I'm just another "blue eyed" girl with to big expectations in other human.
    / Johanna

  4. Hi Kazumi

    Sounds like a great idea how it works in Japan. It is one solution to decrease the crimes. Another one is to have a lot more cameras around in cities. As you said about the Gothenburg, the suburbia, I am so tired of the vandalism in cities. I think surveillance would make people feel safer, decrease crimes and vandalism. The only negative thing is that you might get the feeling being watched, but in the long run you would not even think about, may just be aware that you will get caught it you break the law. Well, another downside is the system may get hacked…

  5. Hi Josefine

    Well I wrote my opinion about surveillance in the post to Kazumi above this post.

  6. Hello Johanna

    I get the point. I would not like if someone right now would be watching me through my web camera which is built in my laptop. As I mentioned above, I think the security would not only help against crimes, but also vandalism and other problems, for an example hooligans. The problem is then the surveillance comes when people abuse the system, at that point I rather value my integrity higher than my security.
